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Lisa doing Yoga

Bring ease into your life with

What I offer

As a DiA Doula, Yoga teacher and Nutrition trainer, I work to support women in all aspects of being a woman.

Self-determination and empowerment, the breaking of outdated patterns are clearly in the foreground here.


from 90€

As a yoga teacher with over 10 years of experience as an instructor and more than 17 years as a student, trained in prenatal and postnatal yoga, as well as children's yoga, Ashtanga yoga, and Yin yoga, I am very happy to guide you, both in group settings and in private one-on-one sessions. If you need a price reduction, please contact me directly.

Köstlich aussehender Kuchen mit Zitronen im Hintergrund

Nutrition training

from 90€

As a nutrition coach, I guide you through this special time, helping you focus on the most important thing in your life: your health. I provide you with valuable tips and go through all topics step by step with you. You will receive valuable input from me on the subject of nutrition, and in a short time, you will be able to resolve and clarify many issues for yourself, enabling you to transform your life into one that is self-determined, light, and full of energy. The outcomes of my clients from these nutrition trainings are a wonderful confirmation for me after each session, affirming my continued work, learning, and growth in this field.

Köstlich aussehender Kuchen mit Zitronen im Hintergrund


from 600€

As a DiA Doula, I accompany you in addition to the midwife as part of your birth team during your pregnancy, focusing on the issues that concern you. Areas such as nutrition, exercise, relaxation, and maintaining a positive mindset during pregnancy are my focus. I am very happy to support you in these as your DiA Doula. Furthermore, my support extends to childbirth and beyond into the postpartum period. These are life-changing transitional phases where you will receive tailored support from your doula. Please inquire about your very own personal package with me.

Köstlich aussehender Kuchen mit Zitronen im Hintergrund



9:30 (75min) Mama Baby Yoga 

11:00 (75 min) Pregnancy Yoga


@Coming Hooommm - 1020 vienna

16:30 (75min) Pregnancy Yoga

18:00 (75min) Yoga for Women


10:00 Mama Baby Yoga


@Yogaleo - 1020 vienna


9:30 Good morning Sunshine Yoga 


11:00 Pregnancy Yoga


@Feelgoodstudio - 1070 vienna

Upcoming ...

Yoga in Hospital
Every wednesday
16:00 to 17:15
at Klink Donaustadt
Schwangeren Retreat 22.2.25.jpeg

About me

Yoga is for everyone
Frau in Meditationsposition mit Klangschale konzentriert und fokussiert sitzend, meditierend
Yoga Teacher Trainings Zertifikat mit 200 Stunden Ausbildung
Yoga Teacher Trainings Zertifikat für Kinderyoga
Yoga Teacher Trainings Zertifikat für Schwangerschaftsyoga
Member von Doulas in Austria


I have been practicing yoga for over 16 years now. Starting in 2007, I have used all the opportunities available to me to further my education. Yoga is an Indian Sanskrit term meaning method, technique, connection and union. The term therefore stands for physical and mental exercises that have a positive effect on health and also achieve psycho-mental results. So much for the explanation from the manual.


What fascinates me so much about yoga is the while and the after. An indescribable feeling that can be accessed at any time in everyday life.

We breathe, we move, we experience and we feel our body intensely while practicing yoga. We deal with what is happening right now. Our thoughts come to rest and we recharge our batteries.

The physical and mental benefits of practicing yoga are enormous.

For so long i have had problems with my loose joints. Knee caps that simply popped out when I was dancing at a very young age. Shoulders that were dislocated at the slightest movement and constant neck pain due to hyperflexibility led me to take up yoga. Since I have been practicing Ashtanga Yoga, a very muscle-building, powerful type of yoga, there are no more problems with constant hunching or dislocating. This is what happens when we practise: our problems become part of our daily practice and at some point they are no longer there.

What is often forgotten is that there is much more to yoga than the movements (asanas) themselves. There is so much more to yoga and I want to share this secret with you! Be it in group classes or private sessions.


I started looking into nutrition at a very early age, partly due to intolerances and severe physical complaints. This led me to train as a nutrition coach. As I had written my dissertation during my pregnancy, the topic of my work was obvious: nutrition during pregnancy, breastfeeding and the baby's first complementary foods. My love for food and what we feed our bodies has grown steadily and I still enjoy helping people with all aspects of nutrition.


I have probably always been a doula at heart. It was always important to me that women around me were well, especially mothers and mothers-to-be, but unfortunately I often didn't know which direction I should take to achieve this. Deep inside me I often felt this desire to be able to do something to be there for women. I am now only too happy to pass on the knowledge I gained from my doula training. Be it in weekly circles where we women come together, in yoga classes for women and for pregnant women, as well as in individual one-to-one support.

Die Geburt war anstrengend, aber vor allem war sie wirklich unglaublich beeindruckend. Und zusammen mit dem Papa haben wir das richtig gut gemeistert! Wir haben im Kreissaal und auch jetzt am Wickeltisch ganz viel die Pregnancy-Playlist von dir laufen. Wir sind am selben Abend noch wieder heim und genießen jetzt ganz viel Kuschelzeit zuhause.

Danke für die wunderbare Vorbereitung auf die Geburt und dass ich diese Schwangerschaft so so sehr genießen konnte durch dich und die Yogastunden! 

Wir freuen uns schon auf ein Wiedersehen und senden dir und allen werdenden Mamas die besten Grüße ♥️✨

Sophie, Alex und Theo 

Auf jeden Fall möchte ich dir für deine super Yogaeinheiten in den letzten Monaten danken! Das war immer ein Fixtermin auf den ich mich mega gefreut habe! Du machst das wirklich ganz toll! Ich werde dich und deine Stunden vermissen.


I just wanna to let you know, 

that also because of your magical words you told us during your yoga class, I was able to not just listen, but either trust my own intuition. 

We are complete, (Baby Name hidden) arrived 4 days after her "date", it means 22.03.2023, but as I always said, I trust her and we connected very well, we are in St. Josef and I can say (OK, it wasn't painless) but it was an amazing experience, for all of us. 

She has proud 56cm and 4240g


Du machst es natürlich auch sehr gut und es ist nicht schwer motoviert zu bleiben ☺️ Die 75 min gehen eig. sehr schnell!


Ich wollte mich also auf diesem Weg für deine Begleitung während der letzten Wochen bedanken. Abgesehen davon, dass ich sehr viel über mich gelernt hab, hast du mich auch dem Wesen in mir näher gebracht und ich blicke entspannt und vorfreudig dem Kennenlernen entgegen.


Für mich sind deine Ashtanga-Stunden ein wahrer Luxus, da du immer genügend Zeit zum Korrigieren nimmst. Deine Anleitung und mit deiner lieben Art macht die Stunde spass und fühlt sich echt gut an. Ich komme immer wieder gern zu dir'


Yoga Klientin von Lisa Prutscher mit positiver Rezension

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